Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

August 17, 2006

Thirteen things I contemplated today...

1. When John enlists in the Airforce, where will his boot camp be.

2. Where will he be stationed?

3. Will we be able to visit him often, or him us?

4. I am thankful that God has blessed my husband with a gift of rescuing.

5. How amazingly strong are the parents I saw today @ Cooks Hospital while helping with an incredible auction that Starbucks hosted for them today. They wearily love and serve their child through whatever illness, operation, accident, etc...their precious one(s) Yes, some had more than one child admitted in the hospital.

6. That was a really cool auction! The kiddos got to have 100.00 in play money to purchase real items! starbucks does a huge toy drive and then divides the goods into three separate distribution times at Cooks. ( a partner program between Cooks and Starbucks)

7. My heart was filled with joy that Laura and Emily was excited to go help!

8. Tonight driving home from Barnes and Noble, I decided to wait and go to Walmart tomorrow after work. I wanted to hurry and get home, get Emily to bed, make banana bread and get to bed early(well, before 1am anyways!) Since I have to work 4:45 am-11:15am. Anyways it just struck me that while I desired to get home and all that...at any moment, things could dramatically change. I could be killed or (maybe) worse yet, be tragically altered permantly the rest of my life. Life is just that unpredictable. And then I hoped desperately that whenever it is my time, I would leave behind an uncontainable amount of confidence of my love in my loved ones(family and friends)lives that would be based on God's love! WHEW! That was a long one!

9. I wish I could get one of those back braces to help me sit up straight!

10. I hope all our little first timers at school are having an OUTSTANDING experience!!
( Matthew F, Patrick, Matthew P, Jeb, I hope I didn't forget anyone!)

11. I am sad and happy for my friend Carolyn. She will not be moving here. infact Laurie her daughter already found a home they like in Cali and will be moving next month. :( & :)

12. I wonder if the boy that was driving sorta wreckless then cussed at me and Carla Black this morning is going through a troubling time, Like his mom maybe battling cancer or something. maybe he just doesn't feel the amazing love of God... I prayed for him, even though he shook me up and caused me to be all jittery. Plus I rebuked him, but I'm not sure he actually heard me..he already started rolling up his window...

13. When will Jesus come back? I wish everybody would accept Him as their Savior. I am ready for internal joy to be eternal!

(#14...why in the world would the spell check thingy offer fermented--promenade--ferment--or Vermont to replace permantly?)


jenny biz said...

Amen on #13!! I used to fret Jesus coming back but now my heart yearns for it!!
Sounds like your experience at Cook's today was amazing! I know you are a blessing to that business.

Pearson Family said...

LOVE YOUR 13 PICTURE! And your post. Airforce? When does he go?

Margaret K said...

Chuck's dad was in the airforce. I hear it is the best out of all of them. Maybe he will be stationed in WF and we can carpool up there since we go there so much! Thanks for your prayers on Kinder. God definitely had his hand in this whole experience. Will try and write more on that tomorrow...

Sorry to hear about your friend not moving here. We will continue our prayers for her battle.

You are a great mom and have raised two wonderful servent minded daughters!

Glad the job is such a hit! Will hopefully pop in soon.

Amy C said...

Keep my Chia Tea warm. I love you. Thank you for always being an encourager, even when you are weary.

Unknown said...

I always think about what people are going through and why they act they way they do. It helps me give the benefit of the doubt, which is always my goal. Matty Matt does like school so far. Mom is still sad he's gone. :(