Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

August 04, 2006

God's word truly does breathe life into us!

I just wanted to share today what was on my prayer calendar:

The best way to improve speech is to improve the heart, "for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" (Matthew 12:34). A heart filled with the Holy spirit and the truth of the Word of God will produce godly speech that brings life to the speaker as well as the listener. This is where our point of prayer should begin.

I have been feeling a little discouraged lately. While I haven't been speaking a lot of words of discouragement,(mostly because I try to live by "if you can't say something nice , don't say anything at all" my heart is still heavy, and so even unspoken words can be deadly to the soul when we (I)allow it to live in my heart.

I want to live in the joy, that we are where God has brought us, and all where we have been was where God had wanted us. The enemy wants me to be sad and dwell on the fact that my kiddos and I don't have core friendships that have been nurtured and strengthened from childhood through now. So many of my friends have such amazing friendships that have been developed from a very early time, and growing stronger everyday.

I have just been feeling like a failure to my children. My heart hurts for them as they talk about their friend's..friends. I just keep picturing that little child who's parents are the only one not at the Christmas play watching them in their special part.

This little reminder impacted me big today! I don't want my speech (or thinking) to control me to be discouraged! I want to boldly defy the enemy any victory over me!


jenny biz said...

I am praying that God will continue to breathe that refreshing life. I am so sorry you have felt discouraged. You are a beautiful friend and such a reflection of Jesus to so many! I thank God for your friendship! May God supply Godly friends for your children.

Unknown said...

I have some very similar feelings occasionally as I see "birth" friends move away or grow apart from our family. However, YOU are a fabulous mother and I know this to be true... the only real thing that matters is that they know Jesus, and you him to them daily! Love you.

Amy C said...

All of us have those discouraging feelings in reguard to raising our children. Satan attacks us on all fronts trying to decieve us into thinking that God's provision for our children has not, or will not be enough for them (emotional, physcially, ect) Keep in mind that is a lie from Satan. He is preparing them in just the soil in which they will best be used! When you start to listen to those lies, rebuke them in the name of God, because you are enough, and do and have enough! I am so sorry you are feeling this way. There are so many blessing for your children right where they are. They are beautiful. You are beautiful. You are a great family, and if you just remain dependant on the Lord for EVERYTHING you need, he is faithful. Don't be discouraged. I love you. Most of all, God loves you ALL!