Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

March 27, 2006


1. I wholeheartedly adore God who fills my soul.
2. Jesus is my compelling Savior who fills my heart.
3. The Holy Spirit is my intercessor friend!
4. I am madly, romanticaly, passionately, uncontainably in love with my husband Joel who is my Hero!
5. I love my children so passionately and deep it hurts!
6. I admit I have NO idea how to be a preacher’s wife.
7. I love to cook, I love people, I love to worship in praise, and in service.
8. Paige inspired me to do the Thursday Thirteen, plus it's my husband's favorite number.
9. The virtuous woman is not the yardstick by which all women are measured, but the goal toward which all women should be moving.
10. God's grace is my lifeline, I truly have been rescued! If God were to strip it from me...I would be unrecognizable!
11. My heart breaks daily for His people who walk without the peace of His redeeming love.
12. I do not enjoy battling gray hair, or sweets, however I do enjoy reading to myself or anyone in my family who will listen (only Emily usually)
13. I believe life is a gift to be celebrated I should know..I've had many second chances!
14. Sorry but I had to put in 2 more. I desire to be a better disciple.
15. I truly believe God's word breathes life into us.


Pearson Family said...

wow! I am so glad you did a 13 or 15, and an incredible one at that. I don't know how to do that code thing, do you? Or did you just put it on your blog? HA! Love you and I think you are an incredible Preacher's wife!

jenny biz said...

I second Paige's motion that you are a GREAT preacher's wife!

Pearson Family said...

ummmm, today is Thursday and no post. Are you not a true 13er?