Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

July 19, 2005

Listen, I have NO idea how it happened!! But it did!

It all started when our family went to Katy Texas for a job interview.
I know sounds crazy...a job interview for the whole family? Well, when it's ministry...it involves the whole family.

We were blessed with Cinco Ranch Church of Christ calling us to come out. It is an outstanding church made up of Amazing people! We had such a beautiful time there!

Well, there are several members there that raise Monarch butterflies! You know the really gorgeous ones? Well, of course Emily our youngest was drawn in right away!!It wasn't long before she was begging us "Please let me have one”?

Okay, John is our oldest and he is our computer/comedian guy, Laura is our singer/dancer and Emily is our artist/animal lover.

So really with Emily’s passion, they can be shall we say... somewhat messy? Seriously she can destroy the entire house in less than thirty minutes!

Needles to say, we have gone through several pets. All who have been messy! So, I naturally wanted to say no! when she was desperately pleading with us to have a caterpillar.

Well, as we entered into church that Sunday, we were greeted by Barbara Estes, a lovely elder’s wife, and children's minister. I know I heard a trumpet sounding off as I watched in slow motion Barbara handing Emily a container holding TWO Monarch caterpillars and a couple of sprigs of Milk Weed! (Their only source of food)

Emily was soooo fired up! Of course when your child is extremely exhilarated as Emily was, can you really say..”Uh, we really can’t take that with us”?? Of course not! So when it was time to leave, and Emily was reminding us that we just couldn’t forget her new pets! I was less than thrilled.

We have a 6 hour trip to get home. The thought of creepy crawly things in the car with no lid on the container just wasn’t a pleasant thought for me. Being a mom…and all that comes with it. I just smiled and help situate them.(as far back to the back of the car as possible!

It was a bit stressful at times, like when the girls wanted a blanket, or a pillow, or the bag with all the art supplies! I stressfully reminded them not to knock over the caterpillars!!!!

Well, we made it home…us and the caterpillars, both unharmed! Then it began…the next level of stress! Remember they can only eat a certain kind of plant…Milk Weed.Barbara told us, “Oh, you can just get some at The Home Depot”. No big deal.

Well, it’s only a big deal when you live in Abilene, Texas! Of course this Home Depot did not carry it. Nor did many other stores! So when I desperately called around trying to locate this special plant for our new found pets, Emily was beginning to freak out!

Now they are completely out of their milk weed, and what are we going to do? Joel is out of town of course to leave me to “handle it” I know some of you are thinking…”What’s the big deal”? “Just let em go out in the back yard”

Yeah well, I may not be an animal lover…but I am certainly not a murderer! Because the special plant that they live off of has highly toxic poison in it to help protect them against birds, and spiders.

So, I just shudder to think of those poor caterpillars out there unprotected! Anyways…so I finally found someone who has Milk Weed!!!! Wonderful Garden World of Abilene.

They had it in a 3 gallon container for $16.99 WoW! I told Joel that’s kind of expensive for pet caterpillars! I said we are going to have to decide what we are going to do after they power through this like they did the other stuff. I’m sure he thought I was crazy because I was overly excited on the phone, or actually maybe he’s a parent as well!!

Joel called to see how the progress was coming. I told him I actually found the stuff. He reminded me that we also needed a butterfly house. So I called those people back and asked if they had butterfly houses? No. Okay…so I call several other places. No No No No! Oh, well…we’ll just figure it out!

So I hopped in the car and drove straight there. When I arrived at the garden place, I asked for Kevin like I was directed. We went to the area where these plants were. They only had about 6 of them. So we chose together the one with the most leaves on it. Then I asked him about the butterfly house, and what was I going to do about not havng one?

He said oh, you can just make one out of mesh and a container. Well, that was simple enough! Well, then I asked him why they needed one. He said to protect them if they were going to be outside. So they didn’t need it like Emily had thought to make their cocoon.

I asked him, well, can they just live on this plant? He said sure if you are going to keep them inside. That’s all they need anyway. Oh, how cool. Their food and house all in one! Yippee!!

I kinda know why they need a container. They are messy! Poop everywhere. I even put a plastic garbage bag underneath the plate holding the plant. Can they just poop on the plastic? No! So once again, messiness.

I say all that to say again…I have no idea how it happened…but it did! I have fallen in love with those little guys! I’ve gone military on the kids and visitors. I’m so worried about them! I have signs please don’t disturb!

It is so intriguiging! I have photos of all their stages. They grow bigger then they assume the J position then develop the cocoon. Once they enter into the cocoon state it takes 9-14 days to emerge as a butterfly. Friday morning the first caterpillar entered into the cocoon. Yesterday the second one assumed the J position. I was trying to watch it through out the night to see it transform into the cocoon. I woke up at 1am still in the J. Then at 6 am and it had already transformed. Man! I need a video camera.

I will post my photos and also the link to where you can read about them. God is so amazing! What a gift! I just want to thank the whole chain of ladies who started this butterfly raising process! Beginning with Mrs. Luree Key!



Anonymous said...

I miss you guys! I love the pictures and sorry you all have been through it finding food and housing for your "additions". Tell Emily that all 5 of her other friends are transforming!
Kim, your brother and family have been coming and so thrilled to have them with us. Let us know if there is anything we can do to make them feel more at home. Praying for you all and God's direction.
Love you!

Lauren said...

Enjoy the beauty of God's hand through these little guys. You are in my prayers! I love you and ask for the Lord to parcel out his blessings on your ministry wherever you may go.

Kevin said...

So when are you guys going to interview for a job in Tanzania? I know they have some sort of butterflies there... or you could have a pet cheetah or something...

love you all!