Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

April 01, 2005

So Much Can Be Done in So Little Time.

The following is a excerpt from the book "The smallest things make the biggest difference"
By Ray Haring, Ph.D.

Click Here

There are 1,440 dots, each dot representing one minute of a single day. Pick one minute and imagine what you may be able to accomplish in just 60 seconds.
Try stretching for an entire minute. Go ahead. Stretch your arms, legs, or back for 60 seconds. You'll still have 1,439 minutes left over to do other things today. Try offering a compliment to someone or call a friend just to say hey, I appreciate you! Either way, you'll still have time left over for yourself.
Or perhaps you could find several minutes in a day and really make big things happen. Exercising just one hour a week, leaving 99.4 percent of the week for less active moments, is one of the best ways to enhance your energy, vitality, and sense of well being.
Benjamin Franklin once said, "If we take care of the minutes, the years will take car of themselves."
Just one short minute may be enough time to accomplish so much. Whether you choose to spend it complimenting someone, giving a tiny word of encouragement to a friend, or simply stretching and practicing relaxation techniques, you'll begin to understand the power each moment holds in your life.
Go ahead. Savor a moment you won't forget!


Joel said...

You can kiss your husband...

Rub his shoulders...

Refil his coffee...

So many wonderful things!

I love you and appreciate you taking advantage of so many of the moments of our life.

Lauren said...


WOW! Thank you so much for that very kind compliment! Much of the joy that the Lord has placed in me has been as a result of your infectious joy and encouragement.
Love you. Be blessed!

Anonymous said...

joel, you forgot to include making those donuts. i know they take longer than a minute to make, but if they are in front of me, they are gone faster than a minute. by the way i noticed the verse at the top of your blog is Romans 12:1. i have Romans 12:2 on mine.