Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

April 19, 2005

"Give your troubles to God; He will be up all night anyway."

A story from "God's Little Devotional Book for Moms"

When Penny saw her daughter's scarlet cheeks, she became alarmed instantly. Candi had undergone a liver transplant as an infant and when Penny had rushed Candi to the hospital, her fears were confirmed: the fever signaled a serious infection. Six-year-old Candi would need another liver transplant!

The same day, Candi's best friend Jason also became ill. He, too, had undergone a liver transplant. Penny and Jason's mom, Nancy, spotted each other in a hospital corridor, in the heat of crisis, each unaware of the other's latest problem.
Then, the children's surgeon presented Penny with the toughest choice of her life. A liver had been found, and it was suitable for either child. The medical team had assigned the liver to Candi, but now the team felt Jason's need was more urgent. Was Penny willing to give up the liver intended for Candi so Jason might have it? She said yes.

Jason's transplant went smoothly, but after two weeks, no liver had been found for Candi, whose condition was becoming desperate. At what seemed the last moment, a liver was found. Three weeks after the operation, Candi went home. Penny recalls, "I gave Candi's liver to Jason knowing that somehow God would provide for Candi. I thank Him every day!


Joel said...

Another reason you are so Godly ... you are up all night too!

I love you and would give you my liver anyday.

Deana Nall said...

Hi, Kim -- I'm the one from Baytown you talked to on the phone, the one who goes to church with Bob Roland. Just wanted to say hi in blogland! I'm working on some freelance writing for ACU so I'm sure I'll be calling you for more numbers!

Lauren said...


What a great story! I praise God for you and the fragrance of your life. Thank you for spreading the joy of Jesus around the ACU campus. I love you.