Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

January 26, 2006

The love of God is greater far * Than tongue or pen can ever tell * It goes beyond the highest star * And reaches to the lowest hell * The guilty pair, bowed down with care * God gave His Son to win * His erring child He reconciled * And pardoned from his sin * Could we with ink the ocean fill * And were the skies of parchment made * Were every stalk on earth a quill * And every man a scribe by trade * To write the love of God above * Would drain the ocean dry * Nor could the scroll contain the whole * Though stretched from sky to sky * Oh love of God, how rich and pure! * How measureless and strong! * It shall forevermore endure * The saints' and angels' song

Those are the words to a song called "The Love Of God" by MERCY ME

I just wanted you to read these profound words! Everytime I hear this song, without hesitation, I feel ushered into the presence of God! I hope you can hear it for yourself. It is on their CD "Spoken For"

I especially like the amazing descriptive details! Even more so, the 6th line brings tears to my eyes and chills to my body! How powerful! So many songs talk about Him coming to die...This one reminds us of His victory! He was given to win!!

I feel really compelled to shout Hallelujah, like three times!!! There! I feel so alive!!! (It sounded especially nice echoeing in our bare walled home...for real!) I am thrilled to know that satan has no power over me. May we be filled with confidence that our Savior came...and won!

I hope whoever you are, reading this entry, that you have a dynamic relationship with God. That you have accepted His Son as your Savior! That you know and beieve He won. But if you don't, or haven't please, know that if you need help in any way...I would love to help you. I come from a checkered past, and am here to walk with you, with sincere love, and honesty.

This morning I have been rejoicing! I am so thankful that He has provided for us thus far in the journey. I know that He has never left my side, even when I(we) chose to ditch Him on His beautiful path. Even though He was hurt and disappointed, He was always with us!

What grace, what joy, to know and see first hand the gift of making right our wrongs. It is lovely to experience God when we allow Him the Lordship to do so.

Let's accept the challenge of being a scribe by trade.

I am blessed!


Lauren said...


I love this song too! This song paints such an incredible picture. MercyMe has always been one of my favorite groups. You might also check out Casting Crowns new CD entitled Lifesong. It is so good! You are such a beautiful fragrance in the world for Jesus and I love you so much! Thank you for being a blessing in so many lives!

jenny biz said...

Thanks for sharing, Kim. Wouldn't we all live so differently if we lived in constant rememberance of THE VICTORY! He is so good!!

Candy said...

My dad used to sing this song. It's his second favorite after "How Great Thou Art". I'm glad Mercy Me has recorded it and brought it new life. I have such a burden over the fact that as Christians we sometimes leave Jesus on the cross. We need to remember that HE LIVES! He is VICTORIOUS and because He is - so are we!! I'm with you, Kim, I am "thrilled to know that satan has no power over me"! Great post.