Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

October 13, 2005

New release!!!! Our dear dear dear sweet spirit led friends Rachel and Steven Patterson's band (Branch) and Jeff Berry just released their new C.D.s. The title is "desperate for real". It is absolutely AMAZING!!! I urge you to run out and get one right away!!!!!! Click here or call 325.672.7961. Emily asks every night if Rachel can sing her to sleep, and so she does. We push repeat for number 12!!!! Every song will be your favorite! Plus they put us in their "Thank You" list, and Joel co-wrote song number 6 with Stephen! Jeff's new c.d., "All That's Left of Us" is a cool new sound for Jeff. We went to the release party and it was awesome. We saw so many friends and the music rocked! You can purchase Jeff's c.d. from his site here.

Well, I got timed on my mile...I ran a 10.2 Here's a funny story... a while back I started training for a marathon(coach Murray got me started) and so I was telling some of the students in my work department, and one of the students asked me (when he heard my time which was like a 15 min.mile) Really? Did you walk it? That was pretty devastating... Any who... My fellow boot campers were very encouraging to me!

I did 35 (girl) push ups. Yeah I know thats weak...not as weak as my arms were the next day!! Did you ever see HouseGuest with SinBad? Where he gets the numbing gel all over his hands and he has no control? That is exactly how I felt after my push ups plus all the other arm drills!

I have to say...It is kicking my little be-hiney! Today we had to alternate weights(10 lbs) and jumping rope. Dear God was all I could breathlessly say. Have you tried to jump rope for a solid minute? It's hard!!! But does feel good to have exercise discipline!

Laura taught class tonight for the youth group. I am proud of her! She was not so confident that it went well...I heard it was amazing. She taught on peer pressure.

OH!!! Every Wednesday I eat lunch with Emily. She has been a little distraught about the whole silent lunch issue. Well, I found out the whole scoop on that business! First I just want to say that I really love the lunch ladies(and men) and the lunch monitors! That is a hero's job!!!! Have you been to a school lunch room lately?

Anyways the whole point is that the reason why they do (10 min only) at the beginning of lunch is so those crazy little angels will eat!!! They just start jabbering away and before you know it when it's time to clear your tray and line up...The little nut balls were throwing a whole tray of food away ans having not taken one bite!!!!
I wonder what that was like after school when little Joey got home starving! His parents probably think something wrong...Eating like he hasn't been fed all day..(cause he wasn't!!!) and not growing at a rate that matches his (supposed) eating habits.

I love going to lunch there! Those kiddies are absolutely precious! I wish I could take them ALL home! They all need patting on the backs...Some a little lower and harder then others!!!! Emily and I just point out all the snuggly things they do and smile.

Joel taught our class solo tonight.(the 2 yr olds-kindergarten) I got to go to a Trophy Club Ladies Dinner. It was a lot of fun, and I was excited to get to meet a lot of women from our sweet little community. A sweet friend named Anna McKinnon invited me.

I missed our little class. I wish you could see a picture of them! I wish I could shrink them and carry them in my purse, where I could just take them out any time I wanted to. Some of them are so darn teeny tiny already they don't need shrinking.
I love hearing their answers and their version of the Bible story. Well, you will just have to come visit our class. I promise you will be blessed!

Guess what!!!! Tomorrow is Birthday Club!!! We get to go to Pei Wei(?) We only have one birthday girl this month. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMI!!!! I am posting a picture from last months party.

Well, we wrote an offer on a house...and didn't get it. Thats alright. I know without a shadow of doubt that God will lead us to the right one! In the mean time please pray for my sanity as we continue to live out of boxes scattered among the apartment.

Praise God for my mom getting wonderful reports of still being cancer free. She only has to go every 4 months now!!! The kiddos and I are going to visit her and my siblings this weekend as Joel will be speaking in Arkansas this weekend. But we will all be back for church on Sunday Mornig!!!! Yipppeeee!!

Well, It's getting late, so I need to close. I pray you are actively pursuing time with God! May you have a blessed day feeling His adoration for you!!

Thank you for your sweet friendship! You truly are a timeless treasure to me!


Pearson Family said...

Silent Lunch! We used to do that in Coppell for the kids for that same reason. All of our parents were really upset about it, until they came to lunch and saw what it was like. Those 10 minutes go really fast, and our lunch monitors were the teachers! I loved the 10 minutes I could eat in silence! Toothpicks and olive pits...I will have to think on that one! I had a great time sitting by you at birthday club, and by the way, you looked hot! I hope you and Joel had plans afterwards! Have fun with your family.

Unknown said...

I'm impressed about the marathon training. Next time you feel bad about your mile time just know that if I ran a mile it would take about 20 minutes. Seriously.
Have fun this weekend!

Kevin said...

you need to ask shannon about the first time I ran a mile...

just make sure you aren't at pei-wei when you do.