Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

October 06, 2005


WOW! It has been a long time! I have so much to update you guys on. Well, first things first...

A special HEYYYYYY to Jami and Paige and I know you are saying...ABOUT TIME!!!

Well, lets start with the butterflies, We were gone both times when they emerged and flew off, so we didn't get to see them after they transformed. It was a blast and so intriguing to raise them. Thank you again Barbara for allowing us that special privilege.

Well, God answered our prayers so so so powerfully!! He lead us to Lake Cities Church of Christ here in Trophy Club Texas. The church is absolutely wonderful! God has truly anointed the body of people here!

We asked God to bless us with the desires of our hearts...that being, would He please make it crystal clear without us having to choose, and He did just that!!!
We are in awe!

Joel is just loving his job! John got a great job. Laura and Emily are doing great in school. I help in Wee School on Monday and Thursday, and go to a Beth Moore Bible Study on Tues. mornings in Colleyville.

We are all settling in at church and in our community. We will put an offer on a house here in Trophy Club tomorrow or the next day. Please be in prayer it is God's will we get the house. It's the only house we all unanimously felt it was the right house for us.

We sure miss our friends in Abilene and in California. We praise God that He is walking us through this time of transition and leading us into some new friendships.
One of things I get to be apart of is The Birthday club. It is a group of ladies who meet once a month at a chosen restraunt, and celebrate everyones birthday for that month. We just exchange cards and we have a sign up sheet for who will bring the cake. It is soooo much fun, and I look forward to it each month.

Well, tomorrow I will have completed my first week of Boot Camp! It is an excerise program for women that meets on Mon. Wed. Fri. 5:30am to 6:30am and goes for 4 weeks. Let me just say it has NOT been easy!!!!I knew I was in for something tough when a lady on Mon. about 20 minutes into it, told our instructor(a retired Marine)that he beat his record...nobody had thrown up yet... then about 20 min left of the hour, a lady DID throw up!!!

It is just like in the movies...minus the screaming and cussing in your face! Thank God for that! I don't know if I would be able to handle it! While it is super tough and I am extremely sore,(it hurts to laugh) I am so grateful for it! I seriously urge all of you to try it. Tomorrow we get timed for our mile and count how many push ups we can do. YIKES!!!

John turned 20 in July and we just celebrated Emily's 9th birthday.Laura's 16th is just around the corner. It is so amazing watching our kiddos grow. In fact on Monday morning driving home from taking Laura to school, I had one of those moments where I had an uncontrollable urge to cry, not because I was sad...but because I was sooo overwhelmed with joy that we have been so blessed! God has blessed us with 3 wonderful kids who love and fear the Lord, strive to do their best, and have open communication with us.

Well, even though I have so much more to share, I need to stop for now.
I love you guys and hope thatwe will encourage one another to remember to celebrate the life that God has given us..


Pearson Family said...

So, I haven't checked your blog in weeks, and today I find an UPDATE! Yeah you! So glad that you mentioned me. We are blessed to have your family join ours in Trophy Club. Keep posting!

Jami said...

So glad you updated!!! I remember reading your blog before you guys got here and really enjoying, so all I can say is ABOUT TIME!!!
Seriously, I am so thankful that you guys were led to us. It's has already been a huge blessing and I can't wait to see what's around the next corner.

Anonymous said...

Kim! I checked your blog on a WHIM and there you were. You've been on my heart and mind BIG TIME the last few days. I am so glad that things are going so good for all of you!!! Please tell Emily how much she is missed and we hoped she had an awesome birthday. I can just see you with those little guys at the Wee School - I know you are blessing everyone you come in contact with.
I need an email address for you so I can send you emails and so Cayce can email Emily. Can you email it to Corey at work?
Love you!

Unknown said...


I heard someone in the hall today say, "I hope you have a blessed day!" and I thought to myself, "that's Kim's line!" So, I was thinking about you and checked your blog and see you have been TOO busy to update on a regular basis. Did you forget our emails' at ACU, too???? I miss your sweet voice and seeing your smile on campus. But I am so glad to read that God is blessing you in what you are doing. Take care and keep in touch. And please, know that you are missed here!
Love ya!!
Oh, yeah... are you coming back for the W. Tx. Girls Conference? It won't be the same with out you!!!