Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

March 31, 2004

Enter The Throne Room....

Just what exactly does that mean? Well, I have pondered that question myself. Now, I am not a theologian, so I certainly didn't go deep!

Well, in the old Testament the Most Holy Place was the inner most sanctuary of the tabernacle(later the Temple)
Within the Most Holy Place was the ark of the covenant, which represented God's throne....and His presence.

Exodus 25:22; Leviticus 16:2; Revelation 11:19

Now when the high priest entered the Most Holy Place, it was believed he entered into God's presence.

This just seems so impersonal. For myself, I need something that has more of a passion content, that I might be able to
better connect with.

Just as the curtain of the temple was torn to open the way into the Most Holy Place, so Jesus' body was torn and His blood shed....to open the way into the Heavenly Most Holy Place....into the very presence of God!

One of the most tresured gifts I have received has been the gift of feeling God's presence!
The very feeling makes me want to run out into the open lawn here at ACU and yell over and over...

I love the Lord!! I Love Life!!

I am certainly blessed!

I pray you remember that today is a gift from God please don't forget to unwrap it!

In His powerful name and with His precious love, KimQuile

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