Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

September 05, 2007

Yippee for my wonderful hubby fixing my Blog! Now I can post!! :)

Well, another school year has started. Bitter sweet really.... I love my kiddos home, yet I also love them being filled with knowledge.

Laura is a BIG senior this year :0 Wow! So crazy to think about! They had a Boo Hoo breakfast for all senior moms and kindergarten moms at her school the first day. Yes...there was some
boo hooing! Some were tears of sadness while others were tears of joy! It was a lovely breakfast and I was blessed to be invited. The real tears came when one of Laura's friends mom shared her story of her picture perfect world flipping COMPLETELY upside down. The wisdom in her knowing God is carrying her and the kiddos through this absolute nightmare was ripping my heart to pieces as she inspired me.

Emily is a BIG 5th grader! She has three teachers this year. (not including the music, art, &P.E. teachers) I had a boo hoo spell at her school as well. Oh, not for the usual emotional tears of your little one growing up...nope! I broke down and bawled like a baby cause I didn't get the two AMAZING moms in our class this year! ( I only cried with Joel, Ems did not see me)

Pam and Dawn were the two that stepped up and took me in from day one of our first days here in Trophy Club, and have been a blessing every since! We had a wonderful room mom team! Pam assured me that we would still team up and bless our teachers. (our kiddos all were divided up into three classes) So we will still be together....just not together :(

Our girls are very enthusiastic about this school year and have expressed their joy many times already. They love their teachers and their classmates :) I pray all of you out there are experiencing the same blessing!

Laura was blessed this past weekend with the gift of a NEW car (new to her) It is a cute zippy little red Pontiac Sunfire. Totally fits her zippy personality :) Emily goes to outdoor Ed next week :0 Oh, my!!! That will be a little unnerving for me! BUT...I know God will be Faithful with peace for my heart...as always!

Well...tootles for now!
May you feel God's powerful presence!

Lord, may a desire and passion for holiness that comes from a pure heart be reflected in all that our children do. In Your Sons holy name I pray. Amen
Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.


jenny biz said...

LOVE your update!! Glad the girlies are off to a great school year and you too!!

Amy C said...

So glad you are up and running again. I read Laura's post about going to camp. Sounds like she is off to a good start this year.

DebMc said...

Hey! I'm delighted to see you posting again!