Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

May 26, 2005

We ask for miracles not because we need it for our faith, but because through them we can share with others the glory of God. -Anonymous

I got a call this morning at 6 am. It was my mom, and I knew something bad had to of happened. She doesn't call me that early to chit chat. She and my dad(Allen) were in an emergency waiting room. My little brother Trey (20 yrs old) was life flighted to Herman hospital where they were preparing to do emergency surgery. Trey was in a bad car accident. He was the only one, Thank God...because he had been drinking. The doctors say he will be alright physically and mentally. I am worried about emotionally and spiritually.

Listen at how they found out. At 2 am the phone rings and my mom answers it. It was a dispatch lady on the other end. She asks if this is the residence of Mr. and Mrs Seale. After my mom replies yes she states that there are 2 officers standing at the front door will she let them in? Yes, says my mom, then wakes up Allen and tells him what is going on.

When they get to the front door there are actually 3 men standing there. It turns out that the third one was the first one on the scene of the accident. He told my mom his name and said that he is a youth minister and that he would be willing to serve them in any way! How amazing that God provided His servant to be a comfort for Trey and my mom and Allen.

That just made me think of waiting rooms. There are all kinds.

There are waiting rooms on the Labor & Delivery floor
There are waiting rooms for the emergency room
There are waiting rooms for surgery
Then we have waiting rooms to wait in for recovery from all these different situations etc...

These waiting rooms are not limited to a hospital facility. I'm sure all of you who are reading this right now are experiencing some sort of "waiting room"

Our family is in God's waiting room right now! We are waiting (some what patiently) for God to reveal where He will be leading us. Financialy it is not always easy to be trusting and patient. Joel's jobs at Highland and Crosswind are over, so we are counting on his speaking (http://www.firstverb.com/) as he pours into his Masters work in Grad School and with my small but blessed income from ACU.

It is always a joy (AFTER we are through it) to see how we could only have gotten through it by God's grace and power. While we hang on and battle it out we are confident that although it is often in the eleventh hour that He reveals His will we strongly believe He will. We do not have to go back to the begining of our lives to see the evidence of a faithful God, no we merely have to think back only moments even seconds when you allow God to truly be the center of our hearts.

What a gift to know that everything can be tested against God's word to see if it is His will. It is true! We can find the answers in His word! There are many examples in the Bible to confirm this.

There is one thing that is confusing to me. Now every waiting room I have ever been in is pretty quiet, and everyone I have heard talk about their experience or just in general God's waiting room, has been pretty quiet. Just how come mine is not a quiet experience? I feel like someone has turned on acid rock and hooked my ears straight to the amps!

MAN! What in the world is going on? I know it sounds crazy. I used to want someone else's hair, figure, house...now I covet their quiet waiting room? Well, even though it is loud in my waiting room I am confident that we are not waiting in vain! I say again, even though it is often in the eleventh hour that my King reveals His will in our life, there has never been a doubt that He will!

Well, I would appreciate your prayers as our family sits here in God's waiting room.
I pray that whatever it is you are waiting on, that you will allow God to fill you with a confidence that He is working powerfully to give you the best answer, May we accept with honor His will!

May you feel him profoundly even through things seem cloudy and uncertain!

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.
2Thessalonians 2:16,17


Candy said...

Kim - First off, I want to tell you it was wonderful meeting you last Wednesday night. I've been eavesdropping on your blog for a month or so probably after linking from a comment on Mike's blog. Who knows. One does so much blog hopping it becomes hard to see where the trail began. I love this post. You're right. We are all in some sort of waiting room. I know I am. You have a great way with words and descriptions, i.e. "I feel like someone has turned on acid rock and hooked my ears straight to the amps!" Now that is good! I am praying for your family and for your brother also. How is he doing?

Anonymous said...

Kim, what a joy it was to meet you and your sweet family over the Memorial Weekend. I know that the Quile family will be a blessing no matter where they are lead. You touched our family in such a short time. We love you already and will keep you all in our prayers!
Donna Wright

Lauren said...


You and Joel are in my prayers as you discern the leading of the Spirit. I will be very very sad if you decide He is leading you elsewhere! Leaning on his direction is the only true way to go. I love you.

Kim Q. said...

Donna, I hope you read this...I don't have your e-mail...

What a treat to hear from you! We were so blessed to spend time with you guys as well! Our family still talks about how all of you made us feel like we had been long time members! Really we felt such a connection, that I often feel compelled to pick up the phone and call just to chit chat! It seems really awkward though since we are still in the middle of the process.
You know, you don't wanna feel like your trying to be all pushing your self through the door, yet at the same time you really feel connected. Does that make sense? The girls really really miss your little angels!! I hope you guys are doing great! I bet Payton(?) is huge now compared to when we saw him @4 weeks old!! Well, we are just sitting here waiting on the Lord. We have no idea where God will lead us. We have had several more doors open, as well as a few close. I know that whoever God leads to you, he will be annointed by God, and they will be extremely welcomed and blessed! You guys are doing a wonderful job
loving, following, serving, and leading for Him at Mansfield! Well, I hope to talk to and see y'all soon.
While,I feel awkward calling you... certainly feel free to call me
325.864.3668 You guys are treasures in our hearts! I pray God continues to shower blessings upon all four of you!