Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

May 27, 2008

Friendship in spiritual formation

Christian friendship is an experience of support, accountability, acceptance, safety, love, and genuine care/concern. When these conditions are present, spiritual growth and transformation become possible.

I believe this kind of friendship requires an intentional investment of valuable time and energy to cultivate and maintain special friendships. I'm sure some of you have seen the movie "Beaches" A love story ... the kind of love that perseveres despite terrible odds, a love that speaks the truth even when it hurts!

Now, in our society we don't call that love. we call it friendship. Very often we assume friendship to be inferior to romantic love...shallower, less meaningful. yet friendship by Gods design is suppose to go deeper than romance, for it's not based on beauty, passion, or physical intimacy...but on the solid foundation of reality!

I believe friendships are undervalued in our society...people are content with acquaintances, come and go Bible studies, work friends(only at the office) warmly greeting people on Sunday morning, short term project partners etc... Now of course you can't be friends with everyone... but how many friends do you have...you know like the ones that you can call at 4 am, or that you pray intimately with, hold you accountable, or tell them a personal struggle you are battling with? How many friends are you this for...??

Jesus is the ultimate friend! The one John 15:13 speaks of..."greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" It is because of that friendship, I am blessed with AMAZING friendships in my life!

I have a joy filled heart for the friends I have in California, Abilene, all over the United States, and now here in the area I live! The Bible study I am in now...just ended our 9 week journey on "Becoming a Woman of Influence" by Carol Kent. There were days that when the study itself didn't kick my be-hiney... my two friends Paige and Stephanie would!

It has been a seemingly long journey finding true friendship here since leaving California, then Abilene...don't get me wrong..I have several friends here...but, Paige and Stephanie have blessed me with a valuable spiritual growth and transformation! It has been so amazing to see all of us accomplish several little feats in our lives, as well as praise the Lord together!

Thank you Paige and Stephanie for sticking with our study, even when it quickly dwindled down to just us three! I have been blessed by an experience of support, accountability, acceptance, safety, love, and genuine care/concern for me and my lifes' journey! I pray I have been the same for you guys! I am proud of who we are and whose we belong to!

What an incredible gift...to walk, run, crawl, laugh, cry, desperately seek Gods will, shout for joy, yell at injustice, pray, sit in silence, meditate on Gods Word, laugh some more, delight in our change, call on the Holy Spirit, sometimes stubbornly accept constructive criticism, praise the Lord and so so so much more together with you two!

Thank you for intentionally investing valuable time and energy in helping me be cultivated into the woman God has designed me to be! I love you Paige and Stephanie! I dedicate "More Than You'll Ever Know" by Watermark to you guys!


Joel said...


Crazy! I just talked about friendship with the staff today (Stephanie's sweetie - Stephen was there!) and I shared with them that email that I showed you last week from Reg! Powerful. When you were talking about an "intentional investment", I couldn't help but think of Reg's email. Here it is again.



Prayed for you daily for the past 14 days w/o fail. By name…throne room…fire of the Father and faith for a time such as this.

Remember…the revolution begins when you stop trying to make it happen and instead cry out to God who is the author of anything that happens that is important.

What does God want to deepen your conviction in this week?

What is the Holy Spirit wanting to strengthen in your passions this week?

Could you be an hour of prayer away from the most encouraging day of your ministry leadership career?

Could you be a selfless sacrificial act away from blessing your wife in a way she has never experienced before?

Could you be on the verge of revolution? The man of God armed with the Spirit of God who proclaims the Word of God to the people of God.

Are the core people in your life connected to your heart?

Are the core filling activities for your soul lined out and set for your next 7 days?


Pearson Family said...

Sweet friend. That is what you are. Recently, when I was talking about you...and honestly trying to explain to a friend why I fit your surprise Mother's Day shoot into my schedule...I said, because this friend brought me sweet tea in the middle of the night when I was in a low I had never experienced before, she is an amazing person, and I know she prays for me! I value you! You are a warrior! Thank you for your hugs, your prayers, your kicks in the pants, your encouragement, your example, your committment to our friendship. I love you friend!