Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

December 31, 2005

Alan was born blind. He has never seen anything through his eyes, not even a glimmer of light. The doctors said the only thing that would ever be possible would be a miracle from God. He is a 10 year old kid in a 42 yr old mans body!

He has brought us the true heart and soul of Jesus for the last 14 years!(for Joel 20 yrs)His heart is for the 10 to 14 yr old boys. Not because he is weird or strange. But because God has allowed him the ability to connect with that strange, awkward age.

They tend to be over looked, annoying, in the way, and sometimes just plain forgotten. Alan was blessed with the gift of remembering! Some people are alarmed by his unrelenting love and friendship for these boys.(usually their sons)But there is nothing to fear, except for the devil to take control of your heart and make you see or think something ugly.

Alan has taken care of all three of our children at different times over the course of the last 14 yrs. Sometimes together, but most of the time individually. They have walked to many places together often in very busy areas. We are not irresponsible in our care for our kiddos. In fact those have probably been some of the most effective parenting times we have blessed our children with!

Yes taking Alan places can be challenging sometimes, because of his physical blindness. But you know something, it never ends up mattering, because he sees more spiritually than anyone else I know! With that gift life is always a treasure with Alan!

Alan got to spend Christmas this year with us. He said it was the BEST Christmas he has ever had! Some might have heard him talking about how cool he thought it was to have an evening service on Christmas, with one of his best friends delivering God's message. Or maybe you heard him talking about a ton of gifts made to order just for him, hanging out with 3 of his favorite head characters(John,Laura,Emily) or even his first ever stocking filled to the brim with special items, or even all the delicious food we got to eat.(quality! in his words)

But guess what made it the ulimate BEST Christmas ever....
Connor getting baptized. Connor is 10 years old. If you were to ask our Emily, she would describe him as a really cool friend. Now if you were to ask our precious friend Alan, he would describe him as...Jesus!

As soon as Alan heard Connor go under the water he jumped up and yelled VICTORY! Then the words that followed were words that will forever ring in mine, Laura, and Emily's ears... Alan said, Wow, I know I've never seen light before but it was really cool I thought that everytime Connor said yes to the questions Joel asked him, it was as if I saw a flickering of light...

How amazing! We love Alan! I hope that if you ever get the chance to sit down and talk to him one on one you will. I promise you will be blessed. He truly is a treasure to the Quile family.

May you be blessed with the gift of joyfilled grace.

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