Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

February 15, 2005

Children spell "love"....T-I-M-E.

Don't be fools; be wise: make the most of every opportunity you have for doing good.
-Ephesians 5:16 (TLB)

A father called his young son while out of town on business and asked, "What would you like for me to bring to you?" The two-year-old whispered, "Come out clock." The father wasn't sure he had understood him, so he asked his son to repeat his request. Again the boy said, "Come out clock."
The man thought this fairly odd, but the next day on his way to the airport, he bought a large toy clock for his son. His son happily opened the present, played with it a few minutes, and then returned to doing what he had done virtually nonstop since his father had walked in the door:tug at his pants leg. The man looked at his wife as if to say, What's going on? I don't get it.

At that moment their cuckoo clock began to strike the hour and on cue, figurines of a woodcutter and his wife popped out, chasing a little boy and girl, with all four then retreating into their cottage. The little boy looked up at the clock, then beamed at his father. The mother suddenly understood. " Each time the clock has stuck the hour," she explained, "I've been telling our son, 'It's about time for Daddy to come home.' I think he must have been waiting for you to come out of the clock and chase him around the house!" The father promptly did, to glees of laughter!

Children soon learn how precious time is - that's why when a parent gives it to them they feel so loved!

You don't have to be a parent to bless a child with T-I-M-E. I pray you find it in your heart to give T-I-M-E this week to make a difference in a child's life!

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