Thank You Jesus, that You rescued me and set me free from my self destruction. Thank You that I am not bound to my past. In Your forgiveness I am made whole and new. May I allow You to use my story to be a bridge to You for others. Thank You, Father, that You have "qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light" (Colossians 1:12)

Without Gods grace...I would be unrecognizable!

August 03, 2004

Don't take work home from the office

Your home hours are for listening to your family, studying, planning, expanding your interests, and pitching batting practice to your kids. If you always have to take work home you are:

(a) not managing your time properly;
(b) boring;
(c) wasting your precious nonwork hours; and
(d) all of the above.

A very busy, and very good, advertising executive was always bringing home tons of work. Her elementary-school-age daughter, noting all the extra work her mother felt compelled to do, asked her innocently, "Mom, maybe you belong in a slower group?"

Are you guilty of these? Do you belong in a slower group? Maybe you need to re-organize your priorities!

I challange you to respect your home and your family's time, by not bringing work home.

For Joel , Grant, Corey and all your other cronies...this is not a challange to be creative in manipulating your family time into getting your office work done, with some elborate thrilling Family Fun Night Name! (we know you could certainly come up with one!)

Remember...today is a gift from God, don't forget to unwrap it!

In His name and with His love, Kim Q.

"He calls us His own.... by name" (John 10:3)


Joel said...

Just because I work for a church and happen to pray with my kids at bedtime doesn't mean I'm bringing my work home. Just because Grant works for the Golf Channel and takes his kids golfing doesn't mean he's bringing his work home. I mean look at you...you answer the phone at home...are you bringing your work home? I can't believe that you would accuse innocent ol Grant and me of mismanaging our time. I'm shocked! We are two poster children of discipline and structure.

Kim Q. said...

Yeah, listen Joel...I only mentioned your names so that you guys wouldn't post comments of wacky titles on my blog...you know.. so it wouldn't make light of a very real subject in many homes....some right in our very own community! So if you have some defensive issues you need to be working through...I suggest you close out of this site and get busy!!!!
Love ya honey!

Travis said...

I saw a comment you made on Greg's Blog and wanted to stop by and say hello to the voice of ACU. Thanks for the many times you've answered the phone when I've dialed "0" because I was either, A) Away from a Hello Book, B) Too lazy to find a Hello Book, or C) In need of a bit of encouragement from hearing your always uplifiting, "Thank you for calling ACU, this is Kim Quile."

Keep up the blogging! Thanks, and have a blessed day!